So what happens now?

Thanks for choosing Lightforce, we are excited to be with you on your solar journey.

The following guide is a short explanation of the next steps of your solar journey. Use the table below to navigate through the various steps and stages.

What’s next…


Planning your

Now that you have said “go” there are a few important steps to tick off before we can get onto your roof.


Installing your

This is when things get exciting! The day our solar technicians and electricians head over to install your system.


Getting you up and

The panels are now on your roof, but there are still a couple of key steps before you are running off the power of the sun.


Getting the most
out of your system

You are now up and running, and you will be starting to see just how much you are saving on power every day. Now its ensuring you are getting the most out of your system.

solar panel installation on a residential roof

1.    Planning your install

hand shake

Pushing go

When you’re happy with your solar system design, we’ll send you a 50% deposit request. Once you’ve paid that, we’ll swing into action.

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Final checks

We’ll check that we have all the info we need – like your power bill and switchboard photos. If not, we’ll reach out.

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Approval from your lines company

Next, we’ll apply for Distributed Generation (DG) from your lines company. Once we receive approval, we can book your install.

This stage depends on how quickly your lines company can give us approval, which varies from region to region and could take up to 30 working days.

2. Installing your system

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It's install day

Our in-house solar installers and electricians will head over and install your solar system. 

It usually takes us 1–2 days, but we might need longer if your system’s bigger or more complicated.

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Your final invoice

Once we’ve finished the install, we’ll send you an invoice for the final 50%. You’re now set up to use the sun’s energy to power your home.

But before you can start using solar, you will need a smart meter to manage solar exports and a certified solar inspector to sign off your system. We’ll book this for you, so you don’t have to do anything.

Installers on a roof

3. Getting you up and running

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Signing off your system

We’ll book in a certified solar inspector to run a thorough check of your system. Once your system has been signed off, and as long as your smart meter has been installed, then you are now safe to turn your system on and start running on solar.
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Switching your meter

After we’ve installed your system, we’ll request your power company to switch over your current meter to a new import-export smart meter. The timing of this meter change is out of our control, and rests with your power company. Once this meter has been installed, and the inspection completed and signed off (see above), then you will be able to switch on your system and start using the sun’s power.

Please note that if the system is turned on while a smart meter is not installed, then your power company will charge you for the solar exported to the grid instead of credited for it. So do wait until the smart meter has been installed.
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Reimbursing your meter

You will notice a charge for your new meter on your next power bill, but don’t worry. Simply send us a copy of the bill, along with your bank account details, and we’ll reimburse you.
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Sending over your documents

We will send over your document pack, certificate of compliance, and record of inspection once your system has been inspected and signed off.

4. Getting the most out of your system

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Understanding your monitoring system

If we’ve installed solar monitoring with your system, it may take 4–6 weeks to fully calibrate, depending on your monitoring package. After that, you’ll get accurate readings on how much energy you’re producing, using, storing and sending back to the grid.
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Always here to help

We’re here for you for the lifetime of your system, for decades to come. We also have direct access to your monitoring platform. So if there are any issues, we can fix them from our headquarters or via our local teams. Whether you’re in Northland, Christchurch, or somewhere in between, help is never far away.

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